Louise Worth
Louise has worked in the building industry for 18 years, specialising in new residential construction and alterations to existing dwellings, particularly in areas with heritage overlays. With added expertise in industrial warehouses, sheds, and rural buildings, Louise's skills cover all bases, from providing a simple concept design for a proposed alteration to completing construction documentation of an industrial warehouse. 

Louise has a young family and runs a busy household alongside her work, operating from her home office in Geelong. LDDesign has a business address in Geelong CBD for client meetings and a dedicated workspace when required. Louise has a small and highly effective team of professionals working with her at LDDesign.

Louise is registered as a Licensed Building Practitioner with Victorian Building Authority (VBA) and a full member of Design Matters National, the peak body for the building design profession. She holds an Advanced Diploma in Building Design and is committed to continuing her professional development. Louise is currently studying part-time towards her Masters in Architecture at Deakin University with the aim of becoming a registered architect in the near future.

As a small business, the personalised service of LDDesign provides every client with a straightforward approach to any matter. Whether it is a simple drawing or guiding you through the entire building process, from concept design to construction documentation, with LDDesign, the process will be smooth sailing.

LDDESIGN services include:

  • Coordination of trades and other consultants as required

  • Development advice and consultation meetings

  • Construction documentation for commercial and residential projects

  • 3D modelling and rendering prospectives

  • Drawings for renovations not requiring building permit

  • Documentation and drawings for town planning submissions

  • Internal elevations and joinery details

  • Fittings, fixtures and finishes schedule

If you have recently purchased an existing house and have alterations in mind, Louise is happy to accompany you to the property and provide advice and ideas to make the house your home.